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National Pharmaceutical shareholders OK 14% cash dividend

National Pharmaceutical shareholders OK 14% cash dividend
0.00% 0.19 0.00

National Pharmaceutical Industries Co. held an Annual General Meeting on 26-03-2013, as follows:

1. Agenda No.1 : Consideration and approval of the Report of the Board of Directors for the Financial year ending on 31-12-2012
Resolution: Approved
2. Agenda No.2 : Consideration and approval of Report on Corporate Governance for the Financial year ending 31-12-2013
Resolution: Approved
3. Agenda No.3: Consideration of the Auditor’s Report and to approval the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account for the financial year ending on 31-12-2013.
Resolution: Approved
4. AgendaNo.4: Consider and approve of a proposal to distribute cash dividend at the rate of 14% of the capital or R.O. 0.14 baize per share.
Resolution: Approved
5. Agenda No. 5: Consideration and approval of Directors remuneration for the year 2012 and to specify the Directors remuneration for the year 2013.
Resolution: Approved
6. Agenda No.6: Inform the meeting of the Related Party Transactions during the financial year ending on 31-12-2013.
Resolution: Approved
7. Agenda No.7: Election of two members of the Board of Directors of the company (Shareholders/non shareholders) (Note: in place of the vacancy caused by resigned directors filled in the form in by temporary directors).
The following members were elected:
1. Mr. Ali H.M.Al Sanad
2. Mr. Khalid Abdullah Al Saeed
8. Agenda No.8: To appoint the Auditors of the company for the Financial year ending 31-12-2013.
Resolution: M/s. BDO Jawad Habib LLC were appointed as auditors for -2013