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Release From Commercial International Bank (Egypt) (COMI.CA) Concerning EFSA Decision

CIB COMI -0.07% 86.74 -0.06
Company Name : Commercial International Bank (Egypt) ISIN Code : EGS60121C018 Reuters Code : COMI.CA Content : Referring to the announcement published on trading screens regarding the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA) decision to postpone announcing its final decision regarding the approval request related to the acquisition transaction of 99.98% of CI Capital Holding (?CI Capital?), a release was sent from the bank stating that the Egyptian Court of Cassation has ruled its final verdict in favor of CIB regarding the appeal number 9565 for Judicial Year 85, appealing the verdict number 550 for Cairo Economic Judicial Year 4, which obliged Commercial International Bank to submit a Mandatory Tender Offer for the claimants shares? in CI capital The Release (167 KB) The Release (167 KB)
A final judgment obliging the bank to submit an offer to buy compulsory CI Capital Inc.
