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The Saudi Public Transport Company (SAPTCO) announces its Interim Financial Results for the Period Ending on 30-09-2022 (Nine Months)

SAPTCO 4040 1.42% 21.50 0.30
Element List Current Quarter Similar quarter for previous year %Change Previous Quarter % Change
Sales/Revenue 352,978 221,682 59.23 310,359 13.73
Gross Profit (Loss) 80,677 -12,221 - 43,806 84.17
Operational Profit (Loss) 33,626 -39,807 - 14,357 134.21
Net Profit (Loss) after Zakat and Tax 1,271 -57,095 - -464 -
Total Comprehensive Income 1,271 -57,095 - -464 -
All figures are in (Thousands) Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Element List Current Period Similar period for previous year %Change
Sales/Revenue 962,650 679,644 41.64
Gross Profit (Loss) 149,865 -35,052 -
Operational Profit (Loss) 38,782 -100,079 -
Net Profit (Loss) after Zakat and Tax -1,285 -152,898 -99.16
Total Comprehensive Income -1,285 -152,898 -99.16
Total Share Holders Equity (after Deducting Minority Equity) 1,052,121 1,120,987 -6.14
Profit (Loss) per Share 0.02 -1.2
All figures are in (Thousands) Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Accumulated Losses Capital Percentage %
-197,879 1,250,000 -15.83
All figures are in (Thousands) Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Element List Explanation
The reason of the increase (decrease) in the net profit during the current quarter compared to the same quarter of the last year is The reason for the profit during the current quarter compared to the loss in the same quarter of the previous year is due to:

1. Revenue increased due to an increase in operations, including the resumption of the Hajj season, which added significantly to the revenue. An increase in operations and revenue is directly proportionate to the cost of revenues, selling and distribution expenses, general and administrative expenses, cost of finance and Zakat. In addition to the recording of a higher amount of impairment on receivables.

2. Increase in financing income.

3. Profitable operations of associated entities.

4. Incremental other income.

5. During the current quarter, higher losses were accounted for, in the company's share of a joint venture investment.

The reason of the increase (decrease) in the net profit during the current quarter compared to the previous quarter of the current year is The reason for profits during the current quarter compared to the losses in the previous quarter of the current year is due to:

1. Revenue increased due to an increase in operations, including the resumption of the Hajj season, which increased revenue significantly. An increase in operations and revenue is directly proportionate to the cost of revenues, selling and distribution expenses, general administrative expenses, cost of finance and Zakat. In addition to decreased in other income.

2. Increase in financing income.

3. Profitable operations of associated entities.

4. Recognition of higher impairment on accounts receivable during the previous quarter.

5. During the previous quarter accounted gain on disposal of assets held for sale

6. During the current quarter recording higher losses in the company's share in a joint venture investment.

The reason of the increase (decrease) in the net profit during the current period compared to the same period of the last year is The reason for the decrease in losses during the current period compared to the previous period is due to:

1. Revenue increased due to increased operations, including the resumption of Ramadan and Hajj seasons, which increased revenue significantly. An increase in operations and revenue is directly proportionate to the cost of revenues, selling and distribution, general and administrative expenses, cost of finance and Zakat. A few other factors include:

2. Increase in financing income.

3. Lower loss recognized on investments in joint venture.

4. Increase in other income.

5. During the previous period, a higher gain on disposal of assets held for sale was accounted for.

6. Recognition of incremental impairment on accounts receivable

Statement of the type of external auditor's report Unmodified conclusion
Modification, Qualification or Emphasis of a Matter as Stated within the External Auditor Opinion _
Reclassification of Comparison Items _
Additional Information - The profit per share for the current quarter was calculated based on the net profit for the current quarter relating to the shareholders of the parent company amounting to SAR 4,034 thousand. Similarly, the losses per share for the same quarter of the previous year was calculated based on the net losses relating to the shareholders of the parent company amounting to SAR (55,963) Thousand.

- The profit per share for the current period was calculated based on the net profit for the current period relating to the shareholders of the parent company amounting to SAR 2,471 Thousand. Similarly, the losses per share for the same period of the previous year was calculated based on the net losses relating to the shareholders of the parent company amounting to SAR (149,676) Thousand.
