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Saudi Real Estate Co. announces signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Al Tahaluf Real Estate Company

ALAKARIA 4020 56.97% 18.68 6.78
Element List Explanation
Introduction Saudi Real Estate Company (Al-Akaria) announces the signing of a memorandum of understanding with Al Tahaluf Real estate Company to establish a Special Purpose Vehicle for the purpose of developing 250 residential villa units within Al-Akaria Park Masterplan in Riyadh city with an estimated total development cost of SAR 377MN.
Memorandum Signing Date 2023-01-23 Corresponding to 1444-07-01
Counterparty Al Tahaluf Real Estate Company
Memorandum Subject Establish a Special Purpose Vehicle for the purpose of developing 250 residential villa units within Al-Akaria Park Masterplan in Riyadh City.
Memorandum Duration 2 months
Related Parties No Related Party
Financial Impact The financial impact will be determined after completing all related studies and procuring the required approvals relevant authorities.
Additional Information Al Tahaluf Real Estate Company, owned by Hamad bin Muhammad bin Saedan and Partners for investment and Hovnanian M.E. Investments LLC, and they are specialization in construction all types of residential buildings.
