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Middle East Paper Company announces the submission of the increase of the Company’s capital with suspension of preemptive rights application file to the Capital Market Authority

MEPCO 1202.B 0.00% 0.00 0.00
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Introduction With reference to Middle East Paper Company (the “Company” or “MEPCO”) announcement on Tadawul dated 14/01/1445H (corresponding to 01/08/2023G) regarding the signing of a binding subscription agreement (the “Subscription Agreement”) between the Company and the Public Investment Fund (“PIF”) on 13/01/1445H (corresponding to 31/07/2023G) to increase the Company’s capital from 666,666,660 Saudi Riyals to 866,666,650 Saudi Riyals with the suspension of pre-emptive rights, by issuing 19,999,999 new ordinary shares ("New Shares") (representing 30% of MEPCO’s current capital), with a nominal value of 10 Saudi riyals per share. In full consideration of the issuance of the New Shares, PIF has committed to pay to MEPCO a subscription amount of SAR 31.50 per new share being a total subscription amount of SAR 629,999,968.50. The New Shares will be fully subscribed by PIF, so that PIF's ownership in MEPCO’s share capital will be 23.08% after the capital increase, subject to the Capital Market Authority's approval and the Extraordinary General Assembly. MEPCO announces the submission to the Capital Market Authority, on Thursday 18/02/1445H (corresponding to 03/09/2023G), of a request for approval to increase the Company's capital with suspension of preemptive right.
Date of Submitting the Application File to CMA 2023-09-03 Corresponding to 1445-02-18
Application Subject Increase the Company’s capital from 666,666,660 Saudi Riyals to 866,666,650 Saudi Riyals with the suspension of pre-emptive rights.
Date of Announcing Board Recommendation to Increase the Company's Capital on Tadawul's Website 2023-08-01 Corresponding to 1445-01-14
Additional Information Any developments in this regard will be announced later.
