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Saudi Azm for Communication and Information Technology Co. Announces Contract Sign Off with Small & Medium Enterprises General Authority

AZM 9534 108.73% 22.96 11.96
Element List Explanation
Introduction Saudi AZM for Communications and Information Technology announces the signing of a Mazaya project contract with the General Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises
Date of Announcement of the Award 2023-08-31 Corresponding to 1445-02-15
Contract Subject Matter Providing advisory services to support Small & medium enterprises
Date of Signing the Contract 2023-11-09 Corresponding to 1445-04-25
Contract Value (9,826,044.81) Saudi Riyal
Contract Details The project aims to provide consulting services, implement, manage and operate the Mazaya platform with the aim of connecting SMEs with business service providers
Contract Duration 24 Month
Financial Impact and the Relevant Period This contract is expected to have a positive financial impact on the company's financial results for the year 2024-2025 AD
Related Parties None
Additional Information The necessary signatures were completed, and a copy of the contract was received at the end of the working day on Tuesday 30-04-1445 AH corresponding to 14-11-2023 AD
