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Nama Chemicals Co. announces its Interim Financial results for the Period Ending on 2024-06-30 ( Six Months )

NAMA CHEMICALS 2210 0.18% 28.35 0.05
Element List Current Quarter Similar quarter for previous year %Change Previous Quarter % Change
Sales/Revenue 88,552 124,134 -28.664 98,080 -9.714
Gross Profit (Loss) -11,293 -3,406 231.561 -6,421 75.876
Operational Profit (Loss) -27,457 -22,261 23.341 -25,644 7.069
Net profit (Loss) 52,947 -26,346 - -29,697 -
Total Comprehensive Income 52,943 -26,409 - -29,556 -
All figures are in (Thousands) Saudi Arabia, Riyals

Element List Current Period Similar period for previous year %Change
Sales/Revenue 186,632 255,190 -26.865
Gross Profit (Loss) -17,714 -497 3,464.185
Operational Profit (Loss) -53,101 -37,377 42.068
Net profit (Loss) 18,768 -45,156 -
Total Comprehensive Income 18,905 -45,217 -
Total Shareholders Equity (after Deducting Minority Equity) 248,381 340,759 -27.109
Profit (Loss) per Share 0.798 -1.92
All figures are in (Thousands) Saudi Arabia, Riyals

Element List Amount Percentage of the capital (%)
Profit (Losses) Resulting From The Change In Investment Propertie’s Fair Value - -
Accumulated Losses - -
All figures are in (Thousands) Saudi Arabia, Riyals

Element List Explanation
The reason of the increase (decrease) in the sales/ revenues during the current quarter compared to the same quarter of the last year is Due to international economic conditions and their negative impacts on the demand that led to:

• Decrease in sales quantities along with decrease in the sales average prices of final products.

The reason of the increase (decrease) in the net profit during the current quarter compared to the same quarter of the last year is The reason for recognizing a net Profit during the current quarter compared to the same quarter of the previous year is due to:

• Reversal of impairment on the Plant, Machinery and Equipment.

• Decrease in the cost of sales due to the decrease in sales quantities.

• Decrease in the provision of doubtful debt that led to a decrease in general and admin expenses.

• Increase in finance cost due to the adoption of IFRS 9 for effective interest rate on the loans obtained from the Saudi Industrial Development.

• Increase in the other income due to the adoption of IFRS 9 for effective interest rate on the loans obtained from the Saudi Industrial Development.

The reason of the increase (decrease) in the sales/ revenues during the current quarter compared to the previous one is Due to international economic conditions and their negative impacts on the demand that led to:

• Decrease in sales quantities along with decrease in the sales average prices of final products.

The reason of the increase (decrease) in the net profit (loss) during the current quarter compared to the previous one is The reason for recognizing a net Profit during the current quarter compared to the previous quarter of this year to:

• Reversal of impairment on the Plant, Machinery and Equipment.

• Decrease in the cost of sales due to the decrease in sales quantities.

• Decrease in the selling and distribution expenses due to the decrease in sales quantities.

• Decrease in general and admin expenses due to a decrease in the provision of doubtful debt.

• Decrease in the banking finance charges.

Increase in the other income due to the adoption of IFRS 9 for effective interest rate on the loans obtained from the Saudi Industrial Development.

The reason of the increase (decrease) in the sales/ revenues during the current period compared to the same period of the last year is Due to international economic conditions and their negative impacts on the demand that led to:

• Decrease in sales quantities along with decrease in the sales average prices of final products.

The reason of the increase (decrease) in the net profit during the current period compared to the same period of the last year is The reason for recognizing a net Profit during the period compared to the last period is due to :

• Reversal of impairment on the Plant, Machinery and Equipment.

• Decrease in the cost of sales due to the decrease in sales quantities.

• Decrease in the selling and distribution expenses due to the decrease in sales quantities.

• Decrease in general and admin expenses due to a decrease in the cost of the employment.

• Increase in finance cost due to the adoption of IFRS 9 for effective interest rate on the loans obtained from the Saudi Industrial Development.

• Increase in the other income due to the adoption of IFRS 9 for effective interest rate on the loans obtained from the Saudi Industrial Development.

Statement of the type of external auditor's report Conservation
Comment mentioned in the external auditor’s report, mentioned in any of the following paragraphs (other matter, conservation, notice, disclaimer of opinion, or adverse opinion) Basis of Qualified Conclusion

1 - The interim condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss for the three and six month periods ended 30 June 2024 included a reversal of impairment in property plant and equipment amounting to SR 81 million. The accumulated impairment as set out in note 4 of interim condensed consolidated financial statement amounted to SR 574 million as at 30 June 2024 (31 December SR 655 million) and the balance of property, plant and equipment in the interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June amounted to SR 643million (31 December: SR 585 million). We were unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence and complete our review about the carrying amount of those accounts because of the unavailability of complete information and time limitation imposed by the reporting deadline as of the date of our report.

2 - As of 30 June 2024, the Company did not comply with the loan covenant requirements in respect of loan from Saudi Industrial Development Fund (SIDF) with long term portion amounting SR 200 million and continued presenting long term loan under non-current liability in the interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June

2024. This resulted in overstatement of non-current liabilities with SR 200 million and understatement of current liabilities with the same amount.

Had we been provided with the completed set of our requirements together with the explanation and information we sought for and we completed our review of those accounts for the period ended 30 June 2024, matters might have come to our attention indicating that adjustments might be necessary to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the three-month and six-month periods ended 30 June 2024.

Qualified Conclusion

Except for the potential effect and adjustments to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements that we might have become aware of had it not been for the situation described in qualification 1 above, and subject to management doing a reclassification of loan liability as set out in qualification 2 above, based on our review, nothing has come to our intention that causes use to believe that the accompanying interim condensed consolidated financial statement has not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34 as endorsed in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Material uncertainty relating to going concern

We draw attention to Note (1) of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements, which indicates that., the current liabilities of the Group exceeded its current assets by SR 285 million (December 31, 2023 SR 200 million). Additionally, the Company defaulted on paying SIDF installment of SR 142 million. Additionally, the Group had negative operating cash flow of SR 18 million (June 30, 2023 SR 12 million) and incurred an operating loss of SR 53 million during the six month Period ended 30 June 2024 (six month ended 30 June 2023: SR 37 million). Additionally, the Group was in breach of its loans’ financial covenants. The Group is in the process of restructuring its loans. Management is confident that the Group will ultimately be successful in the restructuring of SIDF loan and resolving the breach. The company’s management prepared a business plan to support the Group’s continuity for a period of more than 12 months and prepared the accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements on a going concern basis. Our review conclusion is not modified in respect of this matter.

Reclassification of Comparison Items Specific comparative figures have been represented and classified to conform to the presentation for the current period.
Additional Information As of the Period ended 30 June 2024 , the Company’s retained earnings and statutory reserve amounted to 12.82 million Saudi Riyals and 6.4 million Saudi Riyals, respectively, representing in total 8.19% of the Company’s capital (as of the Period ended 31 December 2023, the Company’s accumulated losses and statutory reserve amounted to 5.95 million Saudi Riyals and 6.44 million Saudi Riyals, respectively, representing in total 0.21% of the Company’s capital).
