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Correction announcement from Saudi Airlines Catering Co. in regards to Saudi Airlines Catering Co. announces its interim Financial results for the period ending on 30-09-2018 (Nine Months)

CATRION 6004 0.89% 113.80 1.00

Element List Explanation
Introduction Correction announcement from Saudi Airlines Catering Co. in regards to Saudi Airlines Catering Co. announcement for the interim Financial results for the period ending on 30-09-2018 (Nine Months)
Date on which the incorrect announcement was published on Tadawul`s website 2018-11-07 Corresponding to 1440-02-29
Subject of the incorrect announcement Saudi Airlines Catering Co. announces its interim Financial results for the period ending on 30-09-2018 (Nine Months)
Incorrect statements in the previous announcement Total gross profit for the current quarter amounted to 153.1 Million compared with 140.7 million for the similar quarter last year with a change of %8.813, and amounted to 130.2 for the previous quarter with a change of % 17.588, the gross profit for the current period amounted to 412.8 million compared with 416 million for the last year period with a change of %-0.769
Correct Statement Total gross profit for the current quarter amounted to 204 Million compared with 202.4 million for the similar quarter last year with a change of %0.8, and amounted to 189.4 million for the previous quarter with a change of % 7.7, the gross profit for the current period amounted to 568.8 million compared with the last year period amounted to 565.7 million with a change of 0.55%
