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Saudi Basic Industries Corp. announces its interim Financial results for the period ending on 2019-03-31 ( Three Months )

SABIC 2010 -6.38% 73.40 -5.00
Element List Current Quarter Similar quarter for previous year %Change Previous Quarter % Change
Sales/Revenue 37.37 41.86 -10.726 40.13 -6.877
Total Profit (Loss) 11.39 14.53 -21.61 12.24 -6.944
Profit (Loss) Operational 6.15 8.95 -31.284 6.5 -5.384
Net Profit (Loss) after Zakat and Tax 3.41 5.51 -38.112 3.24 5.246
Total Comprehensive Income 1.97 7.06 -72.096 3.94 -50
All figures are in (Billions) Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Element List Current Period Similar period for previous year %Change
Total Share Holders Equity (after deducting minority equity) 175.05 171.33 2.171
Profit (Loss) per Share 1.14 1.84
All figures are in (Billions) Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Element List Explanation
Reason for increase (decrease) in net profit for current quarter compared to the same quarter of the previous year The decrease in net income is attributable to lower average selling prices
Reason for increase (decrease) in net profit for current quarter compared to the previous quarter The increase in net income is attributable to lower selling, general and administrative expenses, lower other expenses and higher share of results of associates and joint ventures. Noting that in 1Q 2019 there was a decrease in average selling prices
Type of the external auditor's opinion Unmodified opinion
Reclassifications in quarter financial result Certain prior period figures have been re-classified to confirm with the presentation in the current period
Additional Information On January 1st 2019 SABIC has adopted IFRS 16

Attached 1Q 2019 earnings release

Attached Documents   
SABIC First Quarter 2019 Earnings
