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Al-Rajhi Company for Cooperative Insurance announces its interim Financial results for the period ending on 2019-03-31 ( Three Months )

ALRAJHI TAKAFUL 8230 176.69% 197.00 125.80
Element List Current Quarter Similar quarter for previous year %Change Previous Quarter % Change
Gross written premiums (GWP) 843,573 1,015,685 -16.945 616,358 36.864
Net written premiums (NWP) 826,149 984,786 -16.108 595,258 38.788
Net incurred claims 626,873 590,591 6.143 601,580 4.204
Net profit (loss) of policy holders investment 19,442 15,055 29.139 20,110 -3.321
Profit (Loss) Insurance Operations minus policy holders investments from operations -18,271 26,952 - -8,917 104.9
Net profit (loss) of shareholders capital investment 2,864 2,826 1.344 2,731 4.87
Net Profit (Loss) before Zakat 4,384 41,360 -89.4 13,372 -67.215
Total Comprehensive Income 18,827 49,111 -61.664 12,875 46.229
All figures are in (Thousands) Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Element List Current Period Similar period for previous year %Change
Total Share Holders Equity (after deducting minority equity) 782,296 639,170 22.392
Profit (Loss) per Share 0.11 1.03
All figures are in (Thousands) Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Element List Explanation
Reason for increase (decrease) in net profit for current quarter compared to the same quarter of the previous year The decrease in Profit before Zakat is due to net underwriting deficit of SR 18,271 thousand against underwriting surplus of SR 26,952 thousand in the 1st quarter 2018. The decrease is the result of decrease in net contributions earned by 3.03% and increase in net claims incurred by 6.15% due to increase in claims cost, however both policyholder and shareholder investment income increased by 29.14% and 1.34% respectively and the General & Administrative expenses decreased by 18.56%.
Reason for increase (decrease) in net profit for current quarter compared to the previous quarter The decrease in Profit before Zakat is due to increase in deficit of net underwriting surplus by 104.9% compared to Q4-2018 as result of increase in net claims incurred by 4.20% due to increase in incurred claims, while the General & Administrative expenses decreased by 27.27%.
Type of the external auditor's opinion Unmodified opinion
Reclassifications in quarter financial result The comparative amounts of previous periods have been reclassified to match with the current presentation. The company hereby confirms that there are no classification changes in the net underwriting surplus or net profit before Zakat.
Additional Information Total Comprehensive income for the current quarter is SR 18,827 Thousand compared to SR 49,111 Thousand for the same quarter of the last year, a decrease of 61.66%, and SR 12,875 Thousand for Q4 2018, an increase of 46.23%.

Total Takaful Operations' Comprehensive income for the current quarter is SR 1,079 Thousand compared to SR 1,128 Thousand for the same quarter of the last year, a decrease of 4.34%, and SAR 1,555 Thousand for Q4 2018, a decrease of 30.61%.

Total Shareholders' Operations' Comprehensive income for the current quarter is SR 17,748 Thousand compared to SR 47,983 Thousand for the same quarter of the last year, a decrease of 63.01%, and SR 11,320 Thousand for Q4 2018 and increase of 56.78%.

Total Shareholder Equity (no minority interest) as at end of current period is SR 782,296 Thousand versus SR 639,170 Thousand as at end of same period last year, an increase of 22.39%.

Profit per share for the period was calculated based on the profit before Zakat.
