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US considers currency accord with China – Report

US considers currency accord with China – Report

Mubasher: The US is considering to ink a currency accord with China, within the framework of what Washington deems as a first-phase agreement, Bloomberg reported, citing sources familiar with the talks.

The deliberations came as a Chinese delegation, led by Vice Premier Liu He, arrived in Washington to resume trade talks with US officials, including Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Thursday and Friday.

The currency pact, to which the White House said it has agreed earlier this year before the bilateral talks collapsed in July, would see a tariff hike next week halted.

In addition, more negotiations on sticking points like intellectual property and forced technology transfers could follow, the sources told Bloomberg.

By 10:42 am GMT, the US dollar dropped against six major currencies, with the greenback index falling by 0.44% to 98.6860.

The Chinese yuan (CNY) rose against the dollar, with the USD/CNY pair falling by 0.16% to CNY 7.1214.