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Leejam Sports Co. "Fitness Time" announces the distribution of cash dividend for third quarter of 2019

LEEJAM SPORTS 1830 0.57% 213.20 1.20
Element List Explanation
Introduction On Sunday 04/04/1441H, corresponding to 01/12/2019, after reviewing the financial and operational performance of the Company, and given the positive financial results, the Board of Directors of Leejam Sports Company “Fitness Time” has endorsed the approval of distribution of dividends to the shareholders for the third quarter of 2019 as follows:
Board Resolution Date 2019-12-01 Corresponding to 1441-04-04
Total Amount of Dividend Distributed 26,029,222
Number of Shares Eligible for Dividends 52,383,361
Dividend per share 0.4969
Percentage of Dividend to the Share Par Value (%) 4.97 %
Eligibility date The eligibility of dividends shall be for the shareholders who own shares on maturity Sunday, 08-12-2019G, and registered with the Securities Depository Center Company (Depository Center) at the end of the second trading day.
Distribution Date 19-12-2019
Additional Information The company urges its shareholders to update their data and to make sure to link their bank account numbers to their investment portfolios to ensure the receipt of their dividends.
