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Savola Group announces the interim financial results for the period ended on 31-12-2019 (Twelve Months)

SAVOLA GROUP 2050.B 6.03% 37.80 2.15

Element List Current Quarter Similar quarter for previous year %Change Previous Quarter % Change
Sales/Revenue 5,495.6 5,347 2.779 5,335.9 2.992
Gross Profit (Loss) 1,224 990.6 23.561 1,084.2 12.894
Operational Profit (Loss) 313.4 -187.1 - 427.1 -26.621
Net Profit (Loss) after Zakat and Tax 137.3 -526 - 221.8 -38.097
Total Comprehensive Income 136.4 -508.4 - 216.1 -36.881
All figures are in (Millions) Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Element List Current Period Similar period for previous year %Change
Sales/Revenue 22,243.3 21,814.6 1.965
Gross Profit (Loss) 4,537.7 3,898 16.41
Operational Profit (Loss) 1,310.9 277 373.249
Net Profit (Loss) after Zakat and Tax 475.6 -520.4 -
Total Comprehensive Income 462.8 -1,106.9 -
Total Share Holders Equity (after Deducting Minority Equity) 7,590.2 7,127.4 6.493
Profit (Loss) per Share 0.89 -0.97
All figures are in (Millions) Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Element List Explanation
Increase (Decrease) in Net Profit for Current Quarter Compared to the Same Quarter of the Previous Year is Attributed to The net profit of SAR 137.3 million for the 4th Quarter 2019 resulted from substantially improved performance compared to the net loss of SAR 526 million for the same quarter last year.

This is mainly attributed to the following:

-Higher gross profit due to higher sales and margins;

-Higher share of profits from associates;

-Lower operating expenses mainly due to the decrease in impairment losses;

-Lower net finance cost and zakat & income tax;

-An exceptional expense was recorded in the comparable period relating to an associate’s subsidiary ;and

-Zakat and tax provision reversal relating to prior years’ assessments for the subsidiaries.

In addition to the net profit performance as explained above, the total comprehensive income recorded for the current quarter compared to total comprehensive loss for the same quarter last year is mainly due to the following:

-Increase resulting from the fair value change in the “investments at fair value through Other Comprehensive Income” and

-Actuarial gain relating to the re-measurement of the defined benefit liability.

The increase in comprehensive income was recorded despite of the reduction in the share of associates’ other comprehensive income and the increase in the foreign currency exchange losses relating to the overseas subsidiaries due to devaluation and foreign currency translation impact.

Increase (Decrease) in Net Profit for Current Quarter Compared to the Previous Quarter is Attributed to The net profit for the 4th Quarter 2019 achieved is SAR 137.3 million as compared to the net profit of SAR 221.8 million for the 3rd Quarter 2019.

The gross profits have increased in Q4 2019 compared to Q3 2019 due to the increase in sales and margins;

Despite of the increase in gross profit, the net profit performance of Q4 2019 as compared to Q3 2019 is attributed to the following:

-Decrease in the share of profits from associates;

-Increase in the operating expenses mainly impairment loss recorded in the current period;

-Slight increase in the net finance cost; and

-Increase in the zakat and income tax.

In addition to the net profit performance as explained above, the decrease in the total comprehensive income recorded for the 4th Quarter 2019 compared to total comprehensive income for the 3rd quarter 2019 is mainly due to the increase in the foreign exchange losses relating to the overseas subsidiaries due to devaluation and foreign currency translation impact.

The decrease in total comprehensive income was recorded despite of the actuarial gain relating to the re-measurement of the defined benefit liability and the increase in the share of associates’ other comprehensive income.

Increase (Decrease) in Net Profit for Current Period Compared to the Similar Period of the Previous Year is Attributed to Net profit of SAR 475.6 million for the year ended 31 December 2019 resulted from substantially improved performance as compared to the net loss of SAR 520.4 million for the similar period last year.

The profit achieved is mainly attributed to the following:

-Higher gross profits due to higher sales and margins;

-Higher share of profits from associates;

-Lower operating expenses mainly due to the significant decrease in the impairment losses;

-An exceptional expense was recorded in the comparable period relating to an associate’s subsidiary; and

-Zakat and tax provision reversal relating to prior years’ assessments for the subsidiaries.

The net profit for the year was achieved despite of the increase in the net finance cost resulting mainly from the adoption of new leasing standard (IFRS 16) applied during 2019, being partially compensated by the reduced foreign currency exchange losses;

In addition to the net profit achieved as disclosed above, the total comprehensive income achieved for the year ended 31 December 2019 compared to the total comprehensive loss for the year ended 31 December 2018 is attributed to the following:

-Significant decrease in the foreign currency exchange losses relating to the overseas subsidiaries;

-Increase resulting from the fair value change in the “investments at fair value through Other Comprehensive Income”; and

-The impact of actuarial gain relating to the re-measurement of the defined benefit liability

The increase in total comprehensive income was recorded despite of the decrease in the share of other comprehensive income relating to “investments in equity accounted investees”.

Basis of the External Auditor's Opinion Unmodified opinion
Reclassification of Comparison Items Items, elements and notes of the comparatives Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements have been redisplayed, regrouped and reclassified to meet with the applied accounting policies for the current period, which have been prepared according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that are endorsed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. For more information, please refer to note 18 (Amendments to standards and standards issued and not yet effective) in the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements for the period ended December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018.
Additional Information We would like to inform the shareholders and investors that the condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Group for the fourth quarter ended 31 December 2019 will be uploaded on Savola website after submitting it to the concerned authorities, and can be accessed through the following link:
