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PALESTINE POULTRY(AZIZA) held its Board of Directors meeting on 06/08/2020.

AZIZA AZIZA 5.00% 2.52 0.12
Meeting Status : Meeting hold( Meeting Location has been modified )
Meeting Content Meeting Decision
Company Symbol AZIZA
Currency JD
ISIN Number PS2007111979
Meeting Date 05/08/2020
Meeting Day Thursday
Meeting Time 11:00
Meeting Location سيتم عقد الاجتماع بتقنية zoom
Meeting adjourned Time 15:00
Meeting Chairman Palestine Industrial Investment company/abdulalhakim hassan qasem fuqha
Meeting Recorder السيد ايمن القدح نائب المدير العام
Is there Material Disclosures on the Agenda? Yes
Company Financial Statements Yes
Last Updated Date of Agenda 22/07/2020 11:34:20 AM

أولا :

التوقيع على محضر اجتماع مجلس الإدارة السابق .

ثانيا :

متابعة قرارات وتوصيات اجتماع مجلس الإدارة السابق .

ثالثا :

مناقشة الأداء التشغيلي لمراكز الربحية و الإنتاج في الشركة


مناقشة واقرار البيانات المالية للشركة كما في 30/06/2020

خامسا :

مناقشة الأداء المالي حتى 31/07/2020 .


أية مواضيع أخرى تطرح للنقاش من قبل أعضاء مجلس الإدارة .

Meeting Status : Meeting hold( Meeting Location has been modified )

1. ناقش المجلس الأداء التغيلي لمراكز الربحية والانتاج في الشركة .

2. ناقش المجلس الأداء المالي حتى 30/6/2020 .

3. لم يتم اتخاذ اي قرارات أخرى يمكن أن تؤثر على قيمة السهم .

Meeting Status : Meeting hold( Meeting Location has been modified )
Board Attendance
Palestine Industrial Investment company/abdulalhakim hassan qasem fuqha Chairman of the Board Attended Through Video Conference
Palestine Industrial Investment company/jamal mohammed salim abu omar Board Member Attended Through Video Conference
Palestine Industrial Investment company/fathi tawfeq mohammed mustafa Board Member Attended Through Video Conference
Palestine Industrial Investment company/zuhdi fathi zuhdi alkhawaja Board Member Attended Through Video Conference
Palestine Industrial Investment company/Suliman Zakaryya Said Al-Deen Daifi Board Member Attended Through Video Conference
Palestine Industrial Investment company/mohammad abdullah mohammad hassuneh Board Member Attended Through Video Conference
Palestine Development & Investment P.S.C/Amjad Yousef Mahmoud Hasson Board Member Attended Through Video Conference
Beit Jala Pharmaceutical Company (BJP)/Hamad Jamal Asad Masri Board Member Attended Through Video Conference
None Board Attendance
السيد أمجد أبو نبعة General Manager
السيد صالح دويكات Financial Manager
السيد أيمن القدح Deputy General Manager
