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Beit Jala Pharmaceutical(BJP) disclosed its financial statements for the third quarter of the year 2020.

Beit Jala Pharmaceutical BJP 0.00% 2.80 0.00
Disclosure Year 2020 2019
Disclosure Period End of 3009 End of 3009
Disclosure Start Date 01/01/2020 01/01/2019
Disclosure End Date 29/09/2020 29/09/2019
Disclosure Type Financial Disclosure Financial Disclosure
Company's Name Beit Jala Pharmaceutical Beit Jala Pharmaceutical
Company Symbol BJP BJP
Sector Industry Sector Industry Sector
Currency JD JD
End date of legal disclosure period 31/10/2020 31/10/2019
Actual Disclosure Date 22/10/2020 11:40:00 AM 22/10/2019 08:24:00 AM
Hard Copy Disclosure
Notes Display Source Note ID Only Note ID Only
Auditing Status Unaudited Unaudited
Net income in Cash Flow Statement Income Before Tax Income Before Tax
The attached notes form part of these financial statements
- 2020 2019
- As a 29/09/2020 As a 31/12/2019
Note Unaudited Audited
Cash and cash equivalents 747,939 1,000,699
Accounts Receivable 4,652,129 3,399,967
Inventory 2,281,157 2,616,526
Tax advances 410,255 223,293
Prepaid expenses and other debit balances 68,378 252,303
Total Current Assets 8,159,858 7,492,788
Property, plant and equipment 8,797,807 8,862,519
Projects in progress 1,236,989 213,371
Total Fixed Assets 10,034,796 9,075,890
Total assets 18,194,654 16,568,678
Due to banks 349,059 0
Short term loans 83,140 317,815
Accounts Payable 900,352 1,150,593
Accrued expenses, Provisions, and Credit balances 1,891,460 334,709
Income Tax Provision 243,819 189,259
Total Current Liabilities 3,467,830 1,992,376
Long term loans 2,060,276 1,599,362
Deferred revenues after amortization 37,895 46,484
Provision for employees' indemnity 797,791 802,617
Total non-current liabilities 2,895,962 2,448,463
Total Liabilities 6,363,792 4,440,839
Paid-in Capital 7,000,000 7,000,000
Statutory reserve 1,401,878 1,340,356
voluntary reserve 1,991,281 1,868,236
Retained earnings 907,475 1,526,818
Foreign currency translation differences 530,228 392,429
Total Owners' Equity 11,830,862 12,127,839
Total Liabilities & Owners' Equity 18,194,654 16,568,678
The attached notes form part of these financial statements
- 2020 2019
- End of 30092020 End of 30092019
Note Unaudited Unaudited
Sales 6,228,744 6,174,848
Cost of sales (4,319,682) (4,126,844)
Selling and Distribution Expenses (748,236) (771,300)
General and administrative expenses (405,747) (332,879)
Financing Income (Losses) (34,740) (29,046)
Other revenues (expenses) 9,728 8,388
Foreign currencies exchange gains/Losses (6,273) 55,447
Net Income before tax 723,794 978,614
Income tax expense (108,569) (73,396)
Net Income after tax 615,225 905,218
Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share 0.088 0.129
Foreign currency translation differences 137,798 1,466,211
Net Comprehensive Income 753,023 2,371,429
The attached notes form part of these financial statements
- Paid-in Capital Statutory Reserve Voluntary Reserve Change in Translation Difference Retained Earnings Total Owners' Equity
2020 - - - - - - -
Balance - Beginning of the period
7,000,000 1,340,356 1,868,236 392,429 1,526,818 12,127,839
Net profit or (loss) for the period after tax
- 61,522 123,044 - 430,659 615,225
Foreign currency translation differences
- - - 137,798 - 137,798
Total Comprehensive Income for the Period
0 61,522 123,044 137,798 430,659 753,023
Cash Dividends Paid
- - - - (1,050,000) (1,050,000)
Balance - End of the period
7,000,000 1,401,878 1,991,280 530,227 907,477 11,830,862
2019 - - - - - - -
Balance - Beginning of the period 7,000,000 1,204,025 1,595,575 213,769 1,632,018 11,645,387
Net profit or (loss) for the period after tax - 90,522 181,044 - 633,652 905,218
Foreign currency translation differences - - - 1,252,443 - 1,252,443
Total Comprehensive Income for the Period 0 90,522 181,044 1,252,443 633,652 2,157,661
Cash Dividends Paid - - - - (1,050,000) (1,050,000)
Balance - End of the period 7,000,000 1,294,547 1,776,619 1,466,212 1,215,670 12,753,048
The attached notes form part of these financial statements
- 2020 2019
- End of 30092020 End of 30092019
Note Unaudited Unaudited
Net Income before/after tax 723,794 978,614
Depreciation and Amortization expense 615,771 439,897
Change in end of service allowance payments 116,626 218,613
Foreign currency translation differences 137,799 1,252,442
Change in Accounts Receivable (1,252,162) (852,919)
Change in inventory 335,369 (28,655)
Change in prepaid expenses and other debit balances 183,925 146,401
Letters of Credit and Guarantees 0 300,327
Change in Accounts Payable (250,241) 359,714
Accrued expenses and other credit balances 1,431,003 (253,497)
Income Tax Reconciliation ( Previous Years) (132,402) (130,074)
Employees' indemnity paid (121,452) (32,043)
Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities 1,788,030 2,398,820
Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment (542,470) (979,411)
Change in Projects in Progress (1,023,618) (943,798)
Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities (1,566,088) (1,923,209)
Due to banks 349,059 0
Long term loans 226,239 199,949
Dividends (1,050,000) (1,050,000)
Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities (474,702) (850,051)
Net change in cash and cash equivalents (252,760) (374,440)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of Period 1,000,699 1,672,620
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period 747,939 1,298,180
The attached notes form part of these financial statements

Palestine Exchange: Received Disclosed Interim Financial Statements of Beit Jala Pharmaceutical(BJP) for the first nine months ended 30092020

The Palestine Exchange (PEX) received the Unaudited interim financial statements for first nine months of 2020 from Beit Jala Pharmaceutical(BJP).

According to financial statements for first nine months of 2020, Net profit after tax of the period reached 615,225 JD Compared with Net profit after tax 905,218 JD for 2019, a net decrease in profit of 32.04%.Total assets of the company reached 18,194,654 JD compared with total assets of 16,568,678 JD at the end of year 2019, a net increase of 9.81%.Total liabilities of the company reached 6,363,792 JD compared with total liabilities of 4,440,839 JD at the end of year 2019, a net increase of 43.30%. Net ownership equity of the company reached 11,830,862 JD compared with total owner equity of 12,127,839 JD at the end of year 2019, a net decrease of 2.45%.

The attached notes form part of these financial statements
Beit Jala Pharmaceutical Quarterly Financials Report Q3 2020
