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Abdulmohsen Alhokair Group for Tourism and Development Announces Board's Recommendation to Decrease the Company's Capital

Default Company 1820.B 0.00% 0.00 0.00
Element List Explanation
Introduction No English translation, kindly refer to the Arabic version
Date of Board Meeting 2020-10-27 Corresponding to 1442-03-10
Capital before decrease No English translation, kindly refer to the Arabic version
Capital after decrease No English translation, kindly refer to the Arabic version
Percentage of Capital decrease 37.64 %
Number of Shares before Decrease 55000000
Number of Shares after Decrease 34300000
Reasons for the Capital Decrease No English translation, kindly refer to the Arabic version
Method of Capital Decrease No English translation, kindly refer to the Arabic version
Impact of the Capital Decrease on the Company's Obligations, Operations or Operational, Financial or Organizational Performance of the Company No English translation, kindly refer to the Arabic version
Date of reduction The End of the Second Trading Day after the Extra Ordinary General Assembly Meeting in which Decrease was Resolved
Approvals No English translation, kindly refer to the Arabic version
Appointment of a Financial Advisor and the Submission of the Application for Capital Decrease to CMA No English translation, kindly refer to the Arabic version
Additional Information No English translation, kindly refer to the Arabic version
