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The Saudi Industrial Exports Company (Sadirat) announces the results of the Ordinary General Assembly meeting (the second meeting).

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Introduction The Saudi Industrial Exports Company (Sadirat) announces the results of the Ordinary General Assembly meeting (The second meeting), which was held at exactly seven thirty in the evening on Tuesday 26-11-1442 AH corresponding to 06-07-2021 AD (remotely) through virtual meeting, after Completion of the quorum required for the second meeting to be held, with an attendance rate of 15.66% of the company’s capital.
City and Location of the General Assembly's Meeting The company's headquarters - Riyadh - Al-Ghadeer District, King Abdulaziz Road (through virtual meeting)
Date of the General Assembly's Meeting 2021-07-06 Corresponding to 1442-11-26
Time of the General Assembly's Meeting 19:30
Percentage of Attending Shareholders 15.66%
Names of the Board of Directors' Members Present at the General Assembly's Meeting and Names of the Absentees Members of the board of directors who attended this meeting:

- Eng. Hatem Hamad AlSuhaibani – Board of directors president

- Mr. Ahmed Mohammed AlArini - Deputy Chairman of the Board

- Mr. Salman Mohammed Al Suhaibani - Board of directors member

- Mr. Abdullah Abdulaziz AlMishal – Board of directors member

- Eng. Hussam Yahya Al Gheraimil - Board of directors member

- Mr. Khalid Abdullah AlDhubaib - Board of directors member

- Dr. Sulaiman Hamad Al Jedaie - Board of directors member and company CEO

Members of the board of directors who were absent from this meeting:

- Mr. Ali Saleh AlHumaidan - Board of directors member

Names of the Chairmen of the Committees Present at the General Assembly's Meeting or Members of such Committees Attending on Their Behalf All Heads of the committees who attend this meeting:

- Eng. Hatem Hamad AlSuhaibani – Chairman of the Executive and Investment Committee

- Mr. Ahmed Mohammed AlArini - Chairman of the Nominations and Remunerations Committee and Member of the Audit Committee

- Mr. Salman Mohammed Al Suhaibani – Chairman of Audit Committee

Voting Results on the Items of the General Assembly's Meeting Agenda's 1- Approval of the report of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2020, AD.

2- Approval of the company’s auditor’s report for the fiscal year ending on 12/31/2020.

3- Approval of the financial statements for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2020, AD.

4- - Approval to appoint the Office Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Bassam & Partners Chartered Accountants (Al-Bassam & Partners), as an auditor for company, chosen from the candidates, based on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, to examine, review and audit the financial statements for the second, third and annual quarters of the fiscal year 2021 AD and the first quarter of 2022 AD, and to determine their fees.

5- Approval of the Board of Directors’ recommendation to appoint Dr. Sulaiman Hamad Al-Jadaei as an (Executive) member of the Board of Directors to complete the Board’s term starting from the date of his appointment 03/31/2021 AD until the end of the current session on 06/15/2022 AD, replacing the resigned member Mr. Hazem Fahad Al-Dosari.
