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Qatar General Insurance & Reinsurance Company announces the date of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting for the year 2020

General Insurance QGRI 8.28% 1.27 0.10

Pursuant to Qatar General Insurance & Reinsurance Company disclosure on 29 April 2021 on the postponement date of the General Assembly Meeting for the year 2020, Qatar General Insurance & Reinsurance Company is pleased to invite its shareholders to attend the company's Ordinary General Assembly Meeting for the year 2020, virtually (through "Zoom" application) on Tuesday, 02 November 2021 at 06:30 PM. In case the required quorum is not met, the second meeting will be held on Sunday, 07 November 2021 at the same time.

Registration to the General Assembly Meeting for year 2020 in person (either self or by proxy) at Company’s headquarter in area 4, Musheirib, Street 880, Building No. 23, starting from 04:30 PM till 06:00 PM.

Agenda of the Ordinary General Assembly:

1- Hearing, Discussing and approving the Board of Director’s Report on the Company’s activities and its financial position for the financial year ended 31st December 2020 and the Company’s future plan.

2- Hearing and approving the External Auditor’s Report for the financial year ended 31st December 2020.

3- Discussing and approving the Company’s Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss accounts for the financial year ended 31st December 2020.

4- Approving the Board of Director’s proposal not distribute dividends for the financial year ended 31st December 2020. 

5- Discharging the Members of the Board from liability for the financial year ended 31st December 2020 and defining their emoluments.

6- Discussing and adopting the Company’s Corporate Governance Report for the year 2020.

7- Appointing the Company’s external Auditors for the financial year 2021 and approving their fees.


1.  Shareholders entitled to attend the meeting are the shareholders listed as per Qatar Central Securities Depository Registrar upon the closure of trading in Qatar Stock Exchange at the same day of the General Assembly Meeting.

2.  Shareholders are requested to bring their ID cards and proxies (or Delegation letters in case of Companies’ Representatives) one hour before the starting time of the meeting, to ensure timely registration.

3.  Should the shareholder be not able to attend in person, he may authorize another Company Shareholder to attend, via a proxy (which can be found at the Company’s website and/or premises at Al-Asmakh Street).

4.  It is not permissible to grant a proxy to a non-shareholder in the Company, or to a member of the Board of Directors.

5.  The number of the shares held by proxy shall not exceed (5%) of the capital of the Company.

6.  Should the delegating shareholder be a natural person residing outside the state of Qatar, the proxy is to be ratified by the Qatari Embassy in that country.

7.  Should the shareholder be a legal Corporate Entity (Company, Authority, Organization), a written, signed and stamped proxy by the shareholder is required, attached with an updated copy of the Company’s Commercial Registration.

8.  Should the delegating shareholder be a Company established outside the state of Qatar, the proxy is to be executed by the Company’s representative, ratified by the Qatari Embassy in that country and attached with a copy of the Commercial Registration of the Company, also ratified by the Qatari Embassy in that country.

9.  The published invitation announcement in local newspaper, Qatar Stock Exchange website and the Company’s website shall be deemed as the official l

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