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Aljouf Mineral Water Bottling Co. Announces the approval of the Capital Market Authority on the request to increase its capital

ALJOUF WATER 9532 1.76% 18.48 0.32
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Announcement Detail Aljouf Mineral Water Bottling Co. would like to announce to its valued shareholders that it has received the approval of the Capital Market Authority on 16/04/1444 AH corresponding to 10/11/2022 AD on the request of the Aljouf Mineral Water Bottling Co. to Increasing its capital from (31,250,000) riyals to (46,875,000) riyals by granting (1) free share for every two (2) existing shares owned by shareholders registered in the issuer's shareholder register at the Depository Center at the end of the second trading day following the date of the assembly meeting, which will be determined later God willing
