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JERUSALEM REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT(JREI) held its Board of Directors meeting on 09/03/2023.

Jerusalem Real Estate Investment JREI 3.70% 0.28 0.01
Meeting Status : Meeting hold( Meeting Date has been modified )
Meeting Content Meeting Decision
Company Symbol JREI
Currency USD
ISIN Number PS4007112965
Meeting Date 09/03/2023
Meeting Day Thursday
Meeting Time 12:00
Meeting Location عمان
Meeting adjourned Time 02:00
Meeting Chairman REDV Real Estate Developing Co./Awni Musa Abdelrahim Al Saket
Meeting Recorder وليد الاحمد
Is there Material Disclosures on the Agenda? Yes
Company Financial Statements Yes
Last Updated Date of Agenda 21/02/2023 12:36:47 PM
  1. المصادقه على محضر الاجتماع السابق
  2. بحث البيانات المالية كما هي في 31/12/2022والمركز المالي للشركه
  3. بحث برنامج العمل لعام 2023 والموازنه
  4. الاطلاع على التدفقات النقديه لمشروع سرده (3).
  5. ايه امور اخرى
