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Fitaihi Holding Group Invites its Shareholders to Attend the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting) Through Means of Modern Technology

FITAIHI GROUP 4180 -1.77% 2.77 -0.05
Element List Explanation
Introduction The Board of Directors of Fitaihi Holding Group is pleased to invite its shareholders to participate and vote at the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting), through means of modern technology, using Tadwulaty System, scheduled at (18:30) on Tuesday 21/01/1445H, corresponding to 08/08/2023.
City and Location of the General Assembly's Meeting Remotely through contemporary technology, using Tadawulaty system, from Fitaihi Headquarters in Jeddah.
URL for the Meeting Location
Date of the General Assembly's Meeting 2023-08-08 Corresponding to 1445-01-21
Time of the General Assembly's Meeting 18:30
Attendance Eligibility Each shareholder registered in the Company's shareholders’ register, at the Depository Center, at the end of the trading session preceding the General Assembly Meeting, has the right to attend the Assembly Meeting according to the rules and regulations.
Quorum for Convening the General Assembly's Meeting As per Article (31) of the Company's Articles of Association, the quorum for holding the GA Meeting will be (50%) at least of the capital. In case of non-completion of the quorum at this meeting, a second meeting will be held within an hour of the scheduled time for the First Meeting, while the Second Meeting will be valid if attended by shareholders representing at least 25% of the Company's capital.
General Assembly Meeting Agenda 1 - Voting on the split of the Company's shares according to the following:

- The nominal value of the share before amendment: (10) Saudi Riyals.

- The nominal value of the share after amendment: (1) Saudi Riyal.

- The number of shares before the amendment: (27,500,000) shares.

- Number of shares after amendment: (275,000,000) shares.

- There is no change in the Company's capital before and after the stock split.

- Effective date: If the clause is approved, the split resolution will be effective for all shareholders of the Company who own shares on the day of the Extraordinary General Assembly and are registered in the Company’s Shareholder Register with the Securities Depository Center Company (Edaa) at the end of the second trading day following the date of the Extraordinary General Assembly. The effect of the resolution will be applied to the share price, starting from the business day following the Extraordinary General Meeting, provided that the resolution will be implemented in relation to the number of shares in shareholders’ portfolios on the second trading day following the date of the Extraordinary General Assembly in which it was decided to split the shares.

- The amendment of Article No. (7) of the Company’s Articles of Association, relating to the Share Capital of the Company. (Attached)

- The amendment of Article No. (8) of the Company’s Articles of Association, relating to the Subscription to Shares. (Attached)

Proxy Form
The shareholder right in discussing the assembly agenda topics, asking questions, and exercising the voting right. (Mentioning the E-Voting details, if any) Shareholders registered in TADAWULATY services can vote electronically on the Assembly’s items starting at 1:00 a.m. on Saturday, 18/01/1445H, corresponding to 05/08/2023, and will last until the end of the GA Meeting. Please note that registration in the Tadawulaty service and voting are available and free of charge to all shareholders through the following link:
Eligibility for Attendance Registration and Voting The eligibility for registering the attendance of the General Assembly’s Meeting ends at the time of the GA Meeting. The eligibility for voting on the items of the agenda for attendees ends upon the Counting Committee concludes counting the votes.
Method of Communication For further inquiries regarding any of the GA's items, please contact the CG & Investor Relations Dept. through any of the following (the inquiries shall be answered during the GA Meeting):

-E-mail: [email protected]

-Tel.: 012 - 2604200

Attached Documents   
