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Alujain Corp. Announces Purchase shares of shareholders in subsidiary - National Petrochemical Industrial Company (NATPET) by swap of shares in Alujain 6,213,418 shares and cash consideration SR 90,343,805

ALUJAIN 2170 11.19% 41.75 4.20
Element List Explanation
Transaction Details Alujain Corporation ("Alujain") signed a purchase agreement of 9,590,055 shares from certain shareholders of its subsidiary - National Petrochemical Industrial Co. ("NATPET"), representing 8.96% of NATPET’s total shares by swap of shares in Alujain (6,213,418) shares and cash consideration SR (90,343,805)
Transaction Value by swap of shares in Alujain 6,213,418 shares and cash consideration SR 90,343,805
Transaction Terms A) Payment of cash consideration

B) Transfer of shares to sellers.

Parties of the Transaction - Alujain Corporation as a buyer

- Certain NATPET shareholders as sellers

Transaction Funding Method Swap of shares in Alujain and a loan from Alinma Bank
Transaction Execution Date 2023-10-26 Corresponding to 1445-04-11
Description of the Business of the Asset forming the Subject Matter of the Transaction NATPET is a closed joint stock company with its head office and Propylene/Polypropylene Complex in Yanbu Industrial City to produce Propylene/Polypropylene and its derivatives, having a name plate production capacity of 400,000 tons per year of polypropylene. The authorized and paid-up capital comprised 107 million shares of SR10 per share
Financial Statements for the Last Three Years of the Asset forming the Subject Matter of the Transaction NATPET Revenues:

In 2020, an amount of SR 1,174 million

In 2021 an amount of SR 2,008 million

In 2022, an amount of SR 1,889 million

NATPET net profit:

In 2020, net profit of SR 412 million

In 2021, net profit of SR 519 million

In 2022, net profit of SR 261 million

Transaction reasons Supporting the company's strategic plans
Expected Impact of the Transaction on the Company and Its Operations The financial impact of this transaction will be reflected in the 4th quarter of 2023
Related Parties There are no related parties to the transaction
Additional Information - Alujain will announce the completion of the Transaction or any other material developments in due course in accordance with the relevant regulatory requirements.

- Alujain's ownership in NATPET will increase from 88.59% to 97.55%
