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Correction from Delta For Printing & Packaging (DTPP.CA) Concerning Coupon No. (15)

Delta for Printing & Packaging DTPP -4.07% 33.98 -1.44
Company Name : Delta For Printing & Packaging
ISIN Code : EGS370W1C013
Reuters Code : DTPP.CA
Content :
Referring to the announcement published on 26/03/2024 concerning the distribution of coupon no. (15) at EGP 2,000 per share, starting from 17/04/2024 and therefore the right to distribute is transferred to the share buyer until the end of the session on Sunday 14/04/2024، a correction was received from the company stating that the end date of the shareholder’s right to purchase has been modified to 08/04/2024 instead of 14/04/2024 provided that the disbursement date is the same as the date specified before, which is 17/04/2024

Correction from the Company (191 KB)
Recognition from the company
