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Maharah Co. Announces Resignation of a Board Member

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Element List Explanation
Introduction Maharah Company announces the decision of the Board of Directors (by circulation) on 22/05/2024 G Corresponding to 14/11/1445 H approving the acceptance of the resignation of the member of the Board of Directors, Mr. Aziz bin Mohammed Alqahtani, which he submitted due to his work-related circumstances. The Board of Directors extends its sincere thanks and appreciation & wishes him success in the future.
Element List Explanation
Resigned Member Name Mr. Aziz bin Mohammed Alqahtani
Membership Type Independent
Resignation Submission Date 2024-05-19 Corresponding to 1445-11-11
Resignation Effective Date 2024-05-22 Corresponding to 1445-11-14
Membership Starting Date for the Resigned Member 2024-05-16 Corresponding to 1445-11-08
Reasons of Resignation Work-related circumstances
