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Mayar Holding Co. Announces the Results of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting, ( First Meeting )

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Introduction Mayar Holding Company announces the results of the ordinary general assembly meeting that was held by means of modern technology, as the results of the voting on the assembly agenda were as follows.
City and Location of the General Assembly's Meeting Main office in Riyadh by means of modern technology.
Date of the General Assembly's Meeting 2024-05-22 Corresponding to 1445-11-14
Time of the General Assembly’s Meeting 19:30
Percentage of Attending Shareholders 86.99%
Names of the Board of Directors' Members Present at the General Assembly's Meeting and Names of the Absentees 1-Eng. Thamer Abdullah M AlRayes.(Chairman)

2-Eng. Mohammad Abdullah M Al Rayes.(Vice Chairman)

3-Eng. AbdulMajeed Abdulmohsen Alshaikh (Member &CEO)

4-Eng Mohammed Abdulmohsen Alshaikh (Member)

5-Eng. Tarek Abdullah H. Al Rrumaim (Member)

6-Mr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Suwailem (Member )

No absence

Names of the Chairmen of the Committees Present at the General Assembly's Meeting or Members of such Committees Attending on Their Behalf 1-Mr Abdulah Salah Alharbi (Chairman of the Audit Committee)

2-Eng Mohammed Abdulmohsen Alshaikh (Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee)

3-Eng. Thamer Abdullah M Al Rayes. (Chairman of Investment Committee)

Voting Results on the Items of the General Assembly's Meeting Agenda's 1-The Board of Directors' report for the fiscal year ended 31/12/2023 has been Reviewed and discussed.

2- Approved the auditor report on the Company’s accounts for the fiscal year ending on 31/12/2023.

3- The financial statements for the year ended 31/12/2023 has been Reviewed and discussed.

4- Approval of absolve the members of the Board of Directors from liability for the fiscal year ending on 13/12/2023.

5- Approved for appointing Alluhaid & Alyahya Chartered Accountants (“LYCA”) Professional Service auditor for the company from among the candidates based on the audit committee’s recommendation the appointed auditor shall examine, review and audit the financial statements for the 1st , 2nd , 3rd and annual quarters of the fiscal year 2024 G and the 1st quarter of the fiscal year 2025 G with a fee of SR (687.000).

6- Approval of disbursing an amount of SR 616,667 as remuneration to the Board members for the fiscal year ending on 31/12/2023 G.

7- Approval of delegating the Board of Directors the authority of the Ordinary General Assembly with the authorization contained in Paragraph (1) of Article Twenty-Seven of the Companies Law, for a period of one year from the date of approval by the General Assembly or until the end of the session of the delegated Board of Directors, whichever comes first, in accordance with the conditions contained in the executive regulations of the Law.” Private companies of listed joint stock companies.

8- Approved the business and contracts that were concluded between the company and Taya Real Estate Company in the year 2023 G, which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Thamer bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Rayes (a non-executive member) has an indirect interest in it, bearing in mind that the nature of the transaction is a lease contract for Jedaya Agricultural Company (a subsidiary of Mayar Holding Company) at a value of SR (96,875) for a period of one year, according to the prevailing commercial terms.

9- Approved the business and contracts that were concluded between the company and Taya Real Estate Company in the year 2023 G, which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Thamer bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Rayes (a non-executive member) has an indirect interest in it, bearing in mind that the nature of the deal is a lease contract for Jedaya Agricultural Company (a subsidiary of Mayar Holding Company) at a value of (89,375) riyals for a period of one year, according to the prevailing commercial terms.

10- Approved the business and contracts that were concluded between the company and Taya Real Estate Company in the year 2023 G, which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Thamer bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) has an indirect interest in it, bearing in mind that the nature of the deal is a lease contract for Mayar Holding Company at a value of SR(188,892) for a period of one year, according to the prevailing commercial terms.

11- Approved the business and contracts that were concluded between the company and Taya Real Estate Company in the year 2023 G, which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Thamer bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Rayes (a non-executive member) has an indirect interest in it, bearing in mind that the nature of the transaction is a lease contract for Execution Creativity Performance Company for Elevators (a subsidiary of Mayar Holding Company) at a value of SR (140,805) for a period of one year, according to the prevailing commercial terms.

12- Approved the business and contracts that were concluded between the company and Taya Real Estate Company in the year 2023 G, which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Thamer bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Rayes (a non-executive member) has an indirect interest in it, bearing in mind that the nature of the transaction is a lease contract for Fuji Saudi Arabia for Elevators and Escalators Company (a subsidiary of Mayar Holding Company) at a value of SR (124,335) for a period of one year, according to the prevailing commercial terms.

13-Approved the business and contracts that were concluded between the company and Taya Real Estate Company in the year 2023 G, which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Thamer bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Rayes (a non-executive member) has an indirect interest in it, bearing in mind that the nature of the transaction is a lease contract for Fuji Saudi Arabia for Elevators and Escalators Company (a subsidiary of Mayar Holding Company) at a value of SR(628,708) riyals for a period of one year under the prevailing commercial terms.

14- Approved the business and contracts that were concluded between the company and Taya Real Estate Company in the year 2023 G, which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Thamer bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Rayes (a non-executive member) has an indirect interest in it, bearing in mind that the nature of the transaction is a lease contract for a warehouse and housing for Gulf Elevators and Escalators Company (a subsidiary of Mayar Holding Company) with a value of SR(450,000) and the contract period is (10) years, according to commercial terms Prevailing.

15-Approved the business and contracts that were concluded between the company and Taya Real Estate Company in the year 2023 G, which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Thamer bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Rayes (a non-executive member) has an indirect interest in it, bearing in mind that the nature of the transaction is a lease contract for workers’ housing for Saudi Drip Irrigation Company (a subsidiary of Mayar Holding Company) at a value of SR(175,000) for a period of one year, according to the prevailing commercial terms.

16- Approved the business and contracts that were concluded between the company and Taya Holding Company in the year 2023 G, which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Thamer bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Rayes (a non-executive member) has an indirect interest in it, bearing in mind that the nature of the deal is a Financing received at a value of (4,400,000) riyals for a period of one year, according to the prevailing commercial terms.

17- Approved the business and contracts concluded between the company and SDRC Industries Company in the year 2023 G, which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Thamer bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) has an indirect interest in it, bearing in mind that the nature of the transaction consists of expenses paid on behalf of affiliated company at an amount of SR(161,760) without any preferential conditions.

18-Approved the business and contracts concluded between the company and Clarity of Vision Company in the year 2023 G, which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Thamer bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) has an indirect interest in it, bearing in mind that the nature of the Transfer of defined benefit obligations to employees at a value of SR(220,224) without any preferential conditions.

19- Approved the business and contracts concluded between the company and Clarity of Vision Company in the year 2023 G, which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Thamer bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) has an indirect interest in it, bearing in mind that the nature of the transaction is the expenses of managed services for information technology at a value of SR(443,500) without any preferential conditions.

20- Approved the business and contracts concluded between the company and Misr Polymers Company in the year 2023 G, which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Thamer bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) has an indirect interest in it, bearing in mind that the nature of the transaction consists of expenses paid on behalf of affiliated company at an amount of SR(15,664) without any preferential conditions.

21- Approved the business and contracts that were concluded between the company and Edama for operation and maintenance Company in the year 2023 G, which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Thamer bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Rayes (a non-executive member) has an indirect interest in it, bearing in mind that the nature of the transaction is purchasees for the Mayar Holding Company at a value of SR (13,495) for a period of one year, according to the prevailing commercial terms.

22- Approved the business and contracts that were concluded between the company and Edama for operation and maintenance Company in the year 2023 G, which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Thamer bin Abdullah bin Rayes (non-executive member) and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eng. Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Rayes (a non-executive member) has an indirect interest in it, bearing in mind that the nature of the transaction is sales contract for the Mayar Holding Company at a value of SR (78,705) for a period of one year, according to the prevailing commercial terms.

Additional Information N/A
