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Al-Babtain Power and Telecommunication Co. Announces the Results of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting, ( First Meeting )

ALBABTAIN 2320 6.32% 37.00 2.20
Element List Explanation
Introduction Al Babtain Power and Telecommunication company announce the results of ordinary assembly meeting (1st meeting) which held at 07:00 PM on Thursday 30.05.2024 through the modern technology means, where the quorum was completed for meeting.
City and Location of the General Assembly's Meeting Corporate Office – Riyadh City through the modern technology means
Date of the General Assembly's Meeting 2024-05-30 Corresponding to 1445-11-22
Time of the General Assembly’s Meeting 19:00
Percentage of Attending Shareholders 29.27%
Names of the Board of Directors' Members Present at the General Assembly's Meeting and Names of the Absentees Mr. Ibrahim Hamad Abdullah ABabtain ( Chairman )

Mr. Abdulaziz Ibrahim Abdullah Al babtain ( Deputy Chairman)

Mr. Abdulkareem Hamad Abdullah Al babtain ( Board Member)

Mr. Khaled Mohammed Abdullah Abdulrahman ABabtain ( Board Member)

Mr. Khaled Mohammed Abdullah ABabtain ( Board Member)

Dr. Abdullah Sakheer Mohammed Al Hussany ( Board Member)

Mr. Sultan Hamad Abdullah AL Babtain ( Board Member)

Mr. Mgren Ghazy Zaar Al Dalabhy ( Board Member)

Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Basher Alrasheed ( Board Member)

Names of the Chairmen of the Committees Present at the General Assembly's Meeting or Members of such Committees Attending on Their Behalf Dr. Abdullah Sakheer Mohammed Al Husany (Audit Committee chairman)

Dr. Abdullah Sakheer Mohammed Al Husany (Nomination & Remuneration Committee chairman)

Voting Results on the Items of the General Assembly's Meeting Agenda's 1- Reviewed the Board of Directors' report for the fiscal year ending on 31.12.2023 and discussed.

2- Approve the auditor’s report on the Company’s accounts for the fiscal year ending on 31.12.2023.

3- Reviewed the financial statements for the fiscal year ending on 31.12.2023 and discussed.

4- Approve on absolve the members of the Board of Directors from liability for fiscal year ended 31.12.2023.

5- Approve on appointing BDO-Dr. Mohammed Al-Amri & Co. the auditor for the Company from among the candidates based on the Audit Committee's recommendation. The appointed auditor shall examine, review, and audit the (second and third) quarter and annual financial statements, of the fiscal year 2024 G., and the first quarter of the fiscal year 2025 G., and the determination of the auditor's remuneration by amount SR 1,500,000 exclusive VAT.

6- Approve for election of the Board members from among the candidates for the next term, for a term of three years commencing from 27.07.2024G and ending on 26.07.2027 G. as the following:

- AbdulAziz Ibrahim Abdullah Al Babtain

- Sultan Hamad Abdullah Al Babtain

- Ibrahim Hamad Abdullah ABabtain

- Khaled Mohammed Abdullah ABabtain

- Khaled Mohammed Abdullah Abdulrahman ABabtain

- Abdulkareem Hamad Abdullah Al Babtain

- Abdullah Suliman Mohammed Al Graish

- Ibrahim Mohammed Hadi AL Daghrer

- Essam Abdulaziz Al Sagar

7- Approve on the Board of Directors delegating the authority of the Ordinary General Assembly to the license mentioned in Paragraph (1) of Article (27) of the Companies Bylaw, for a period of one year from the date of approval of the General Assembly or until the end of the session of the authorized Board of Directors, whichever is earlier, in accordance with the conditions mentioned in the controls And the regulatory procedures issued in implementation of the Companies Law for listed joint stock companies.

8- Approve on the recommendation of the board directors to distribute cash dividends amounted to SAR (63,946,968) to shareholders for the year end 31/12/2023, with the value of (01) SAR per share and at rate of (10%) of the capital, provided that the shareholders who own the shares are eligible by the end of the day of the general assembly meeting and those registered in the company’s shareholders register at the Securities Depository Centre Company (Edaa) are traded at the end of the second trading day following the maturity date. The distribution date to be announced later.

9- Approve. on the transactions which held between the company and al Babtain contracting company where the following board members have indirect interest; Ibrahim Hamad Abdullah ABabtain, Abdulkareem Hamad Abdullah Al Babtain, Khaled Mohammed Abdullah Abdulrahman ABabtain. This transaction is about sales, the value of these transactions of year 2023 are 6,2 million Saudi Riyals and not preferential terms.

10- Approve on the transactions which held between the company and al Babtain trading company where the following board members have indirect interest; Ibrahim Hamad Abdullah ABabtain, Abdulkareem Hamad Abdullah Al Babtain, Khaled Mohammed Abdullah Abdulrahman ABabtain. This transaction is about purchasing, the value of these transactions of year 2023 are SR 64,000 and not preferential terms.

11- Approve to authorize the company board of directors to distribute interim dividends to its shareholders on a biannual or quarterly basis for the fiscal year 2024.
