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Mayar Holding Co. Board invites its shareholders to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting the (First Meeting)

MAYAR 9568 -31.58% 3.90 -1.80
Element List Explanation
Introduction The Board of Directors of Mayar Holding Company would like to invite the shareholders to participate and vote in the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting (First meeting), which is scheduled to be held, at 18:30 pm on Wednesday 27/12/1445 H corresponding to 03/07/2024 G, via modern technological means through the Tadawulaty system.
City and Location of the General Assembly's Meeting Riyadh City - The Company's headquarters at Olaya Street
Hyperlink of the Meeting Location Click Here
Date of the General Assembly's Meeting 2024-07-03 Corresponding to 1445-12-27
Time of the General Assembly’s Meeting 18:30
Methodology of Convening the General Assembly’s Meeting Via modern technology means
Attendance Eligibility, Registration Eligibility, and Voting End Shareholders who are registered in the issuers shareholders record at the Depositary Center by the end of the trade session prior to the general assembly meeting and in accordance with the laws and regulations. The shareholder has the right to delegate whomever other than the board of directors. The right to register a name to attend the general assembly meeting ends at the time of convening the general assembly meeting. The attendees right to vote on the items of the assembly’s agenda ends upon the end of screening the votes by the Screening Committee.
Quorum for Convening the General Assembly's Meeting The quorum for holding the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting is 50% of the Company's capital, In the absence of a quorum required for holding the meeting, a second meeting will be held one hour after the end of the period specified for the first meeting. The second meeting shall be valid regardless of the number of shares represented therein.
General Assembly Meeting Agenda Vote on the Board of Directors’ recommendation to issue financial instruments convertible into shares denominated in Saudi riyals, with a nominal value of five hundred million (500,000,000) Saudi riyals, through a program to issue these instruments lasting (24) months in a series of separate issues to be publicly offered in the market. Finance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, after obtaining all the necessary approvals and licenses for this, and agreeing that the maximum number of new shares is (1,000,000,000) with a nominal value of (0.50) halalas, and authorizing the Board of Directors to determine the return of the sukuk that will be issued, and determine the price Converting the bonds into new shares to be issued, and specifying any other conditions related to the conversion procedures or duration.
Proxy Form
The shareholder right in discussing the assembly agenda topics, asking questions, and exercising the voting right Every shareholder has the right to discuss the topics included in the General Assembly’s agenda and direct questions regarding them to the members of the Board of Directors and the auditor.
Details of the electronic voting on the Assembly’s agenda Shareholders registered in Tadawulati services can vote electronically remotely on the assembly’s items starting at 01:00 in the morning on Monday 25/12/1445 H corresponding to 01/07/2024 G. Registration and voting in Tadawulati services will be available and free to all shareholders until the end of the assembly’s session time using the following link:

Method of Communication in Case of Any Enquiries For any further inquiries regarding any of the assembly items please contact the Shareholders Relations Department during working hours at 0506347496- [email protected]
Additional Information N/A
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