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Canadian Medical Center Co. Announces Contract Sign Off with Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare

CMCER 9518 -0.85% 6.97 -0.06
Element List Explanation
Introduction The Canadian Medical Center Co announces signing a contract with Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare, wherein 9 healthcare clinics will be operated. This step aligns with growth and expansion plans.
Date of Announcement of the Award 2024-06-20 Corresponding to 1445-12-14
Contract Subject Matter Operating nine healthcare clinics for Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare
The Entity with Which the Contract was Signed Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare
Date of Signing the Contract 2024-06-20 Corresponding to 1445-12-14
Contract Value SR 16,501,300
Contract Details Operating nine healthcare clinics
Contract Duration 24 months
Financial Impact and the Relevant Period This contract is forecasted to positively affect the financial performance of the company starting from the second half of 2024.
Related Parties None
Additional Information Due to JHAH contracting process , we received our copy on Tuesday 06/25/2024 , Announced on Wednesday 06/26/2024
