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Arkaan Real Estate Co (ARKAAN)

Last update: 11 September 10:07 AM market time.
Open 1.34
Previous Close 1.34
High 1.34
Low 1.34
Stock Statistics
Volume 7,380
Turnover 9,889.20
All data are 15 minutes late during market session

General Information

Company Name Arkaan Real Estate Co (ARKAAN)
Company Purpose Arkaan Real Estate Co (known as: ARKAAN) is a public company, listed on Palestine Exchange since July 2022. ARKAAN operates within the Real Estate sector focusing on Real Estate Management & Development Services. ARKAAN is based in Ramallah, Palestine and was established in May 2022.
Company Establish Date 17 May 2022
Financial Year Start
  • Ernst and Young - Palestine


  • Palestine Development and Investment (32.30%)
  • Palestine Investment Fund (6.74%)
  • Tamkeen Palestinian Insurance (1.151%)
  • Al Takaful Palestinian Insurance Co PLC (0.26%)
  • The Vegetable Oil Industries (0.0456%)
  • Palestine Insurance (0.0069%)


Samir Osman Mahmoud Hulileh Chairman Represents Palestine Development and Investment
Reyad Mohammed Ibrahem Nazzal Deputy Chairman Represents GMS Holdings
Jamal Mohammad Abdulrahman Barahmeh Board Members Represents Aswaq for Financial Portfolio
Ibrahim Husain Ibrahim Natour Board Members
Abdul Majeed Mohamed Abdul Majeed Melhem Board Members Represents Siraj Fund Management Co
Salah Mohamed Salem Salah Hadmy Board Members Represents Palestine Development and Investment
Amal Mohammad Adnan Fath Allah Moughrabi Board Members Represents Palestine Development and Investment
Seif Al Deen Saad Al Deen Board Members Represents Al Maseera International Co


  • Arcadia WLL (100.00%)
  • جروسال للاستثمار العقاري (100.00%)
  • Jericho Gate for Real Estate Investment (75.00%)
  • The National Bank (19.22%)
  • Cairo Amman Bank - Jordan (6.7584%)
  • Arab Bank PLC (3.121%)


Address 6th Floor, Padico House Building, Masyoun, PO Box 999, Ramallah, Palestine
Phone +970 2 2924444
Fax +970 2 2924445
Contact Person