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25 July 10:51 AM Moody's Ratings maintains e&'s Aa3 ratings; outlook stable
Abu Dhabi – Mubasher: Moody's Ratings has affirmed Emirates Telecommunications Group’s (e&) long-term issuer rating at ‘Aa3’, with a stable outlook. The rating agency also affirmed the company’s baseline credit assessment (bca), senior unsecured …
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4 July 02:40 PM Fitch assigns BBB+ rating to Gulf Union Al Ahlia; outlook stable
Riyadh – Mubasher: Gulf Union Al Ahlia Cooperative Insurance Company has obtained insurer financial strength (IFS) rating of ‘BBB+’ from Fitch Ratings. The company also received a national IFS rating of ‘AA-(sau)’ from the agency, according to a …
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24 June 10:04 AM Moody’s maintains Dubai Insurance’s ‘A3’ rating; outlook upgraded
Dubai – Mubasher: Moody’s Ratings has affirmed Dubai Insurance Company’s ‘A3’ insurance financial strength rating (IFSR). The rating agency changed the company’s outlook to positive from stable, according to a press release. DIN's outlook has …